Weekly Prayer Gatherings

Ministry Purpose
Join us as we pray corporately for the needs of our church fellowship, city, country, and spend time worshiping our Lord. It is truly one of our greatest privileges – to come together as a body of believers and approach the throne of grace to intercede on behalf of others and seek the Lord for guidance and direction.
We meet on Wednesday evenings from 5-6pm in the sanctuary and Sunday mornings from 7:45-8am on the stage. Hope to see you there!
Prayer Requests
To submit a prayer request or praise report to be included in the weekly email, please fill out a prayer request card and put it in the prayer request box. If you’d like to submit a prayer request or praise report throughout the week or would like to update/remove a current prayer request, please contact deaconess Melanie Braley at melanie.s.braley@gmail.com.