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Phil 2:19-30 “I Am Sending Timothy to you”

Paul wanted to send his right-hand man to comfort and build up the saints at Philippi. He had no one who was ‘like-souled’ as his young disciple Timothy.

Zechariah 9:11-17 God is Not Finished with Israel

God promises to bring future restoration and blessing to His nation Israel

Philippians 2:9-18 Jesus: King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Therefore, God (the Father) exalted Jesus Christ (God in human flesh) above every created thing — King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Philippians 2:5-8 — What is the ‘Kenosis’

What does it mean that Jesus “emptied Himself” and took on the form of a servant?

Zechariah Chapter 8 Jesus Capital City will be Jerusalem

God promises to restore Jerusalem as His capital of the world. Jesus will rule and reign the world from Israel!

Philippians 1:27 – A Life Worthy of the Gospel

Has your hearing and believing the Gospel made any difference in your life?

Zechariah chapter 6-7 The Four Chariots, the Symbolic Crowns and a true time of Fasting!

God will take the hearts of stone and give |His people a heart of flesh one day

Philippians Chapter 1

Philippi: A Roman colony with a Greek culture and religion — sounds like America in the 21st Century

Philippians – Introduction Message

Zechariah – Chapter 4

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To help each individual experience a personal relationship with God, through His Son Jesus, as we GATHER together and share our faith and to celebrate God’s love and mercy. 

Contact Information

556 Main Avenue
De Pere, WI 54115

Phone: 920-338-0219

Sunday services
1st Service - 8:00am
2nd Service - 10:30am
Children's Church - 10:30am

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